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Cool Portraits: Get Your Family & Pet Photo Memories In Posters or Paintings

Have you ever wanted a personalized piece to hang on your wall that's meaningful for you and your family? What about your furfam? Sometimes, selecting a piece of art to hang has to have sentimental value in order for us to appreciate it entirely. That's exactly where Cool Portraits comes in to help you get the right creative edge you're looking for with a professional touch.

This first image above came from the astronaut dog option, and I loved how it makes my dog look like she is capable of doing anything. It was made from the original photo below, taken right after a fresh haircut and grooming appointment. The painting also shows that when we take care of ourselves and present ourselves well, there is no limit, not even the sky, of what we can accomplish for the world.

As a model and ESA (emotional support animal) dog owner, I had the next photo turned into a cartoon character like The Simpson's TV Show. This piece was originally created from a photograph which was published in the Hemp Queens Ink Magazine Pet Issue. We are featured wearing our favourite colour of pink, also symbolic of the dual heart pink emoji, reflecting a deep emotional bond.

The Simpson's cartoon character rendition of the above model publication featured below represents the fur baby I have and myself as a 2-unit, low-income family. As influencers and content creators we like to inspire others with this image that they can also rise against the confines of adversity to bring love to the world through art, experssion, and collaboration.

The power of our own story and personal image shows that everyone can grow, be successful, and that families are unique and dynamic in structure. They can contain pets, grandparents, children, siblings, aunts/uncles, and many other components that are made of moving parts. The most important thing is celebrating your family by creating memories that will never be deleted, erased, or forgotten.

Cool Portraits has many different styles you can utilize to showcase your pet in a fun, dressed up way through a bold costume choice, or by turning yourselves into new people in the form of a cartoon character. The imagination takes us places we can always keep in our mind and those who comes to visit us by displaying the best memories we have in poster print or painted canvas.

Get yours today at and be sure to check out The Simpson's and Astronaut Dog!

Don't forget to see what other artistic creations are happening in your area, and if you're looking to have your own brand promoted with Kathleen and/or Zoey, Contact using the website form.

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